Monday, October 10, 2016

Tips for a Leaner and Healthy Life

Tips for a Leaner and Healthy Life
 People who gain visceral fat or belly fat are at high risk of various health problems compared to those who accumulate excess fat in other parts of the body. The size of your waist can tell you if you have too much belly fat or not. In fact, body fat percentage and waist-to-hip ratio are some of the measurements you can use to compare the body fat distribution. However, the size of your waist alone can tell you if you are at risk or not. For most people, the risk factors for diabetes, cancer and heart disease increase with the size of their waist. It’s therefore important to consider the following tips for a normal, leaner, and healthy life. 

1. Don’t Skip Your Breakfast

Start your morning by eating a healthy breakfast. For instance, hot cooked cereals such as oatmeal, wheatena, and kasha don’t contain as much calorie density as dried cereals. Your breakfast should be rich in fiber and protein, such as oatmeal and egg whites. The fiber and protein will help keep you full for a long time. 

2. Perform the Right Exercises

If you want a leaner body, exercising should be part of your life. You may have a busy schedule, but that shouldn’t be an excuse of failing to exercise. In order to improve your overall health and make great changes to your physique, you must involve in certain physical exercises. For instance, you can decide to take the stairs instead of using an elevator, or walk to the shop instead of driving. It’s recommended to do some exercises before going to work. If possible, get up earlier enough and jog around your neighborhood. You need to continuously push yourself and stay active to stay in shape. 

3. Avoid Junk Foods and High Saturated Fat Foods

If you want a lean, healthy life, your daily diet should not contain high saturated fat foods and junk foods as well. Instead, consider including healthy snack options, such as yogurt, hummus, nuts or apple in your diet. Junk foods don’t offer any nutrition to your body; they only help increase unwanted fat. 

4. Eat a Balanced Diet

Watch your portions and select nutritious foods for your daily meals. A balanced diet should include a variety of fruits and green vegetables, and complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, and oatmeal. It should also include sources of lean protein such as fish and chicken. By eating foods rich in protein, low in sugar, and high in fiber together with complex carbohydrates will provide your body with the nutrients it requires and make you feel full longer. High glycemic foods (white rice, white flour, and white breads/bagels/pastas) cause your blood insulin to rise – which can stimulate fat storage. 

In a nutshell, try to avoid period of prolonged hunger and eat frequently. In fact, by eating healthy meals frequently and regularly throughout the day can help you lower your chances of consuming a lot of unhealthy foods because of hunger. Create your eating schedule and always keep yourself satisfied. Lastly, with these great pointers in mind, you can live a leaner, healthy life.

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